The Victorian Race Walking Club newsletter, called Heel & Toe, has been produced by the club off and on since the 1930s and has had many editors over the years. I have been producing it since 2000. It focuses on all matters walking throughout Victoria and in the wider world. If you wish to be added to the distribution list, just send me an email with your details. The newsletter is currently distributed to around 400 email addresses and reaches a world wide audience.
VRWC Heel & Toe Magazine
Queensland Race Walking Club in Brisbane also produce a newsletter, also named Heel & Toe (yes, they say that imitation is the best form of flattery so VWRC should be chufffed that QRWC has chosen to pinch their newsletter name for their own one). This focuses on purely local news.
QRWC Heel & Toe Magazine
The RWNZ Newsletter, called Contact, is normally published on a quarterly basis. These are electronically sent to all members of RWNZ. Additionally they will appear on the RWNZ site approximately 6 months after publication. The Contact Magazine is produced by Tony Burrell.
NZRW Contact Magazine
Australian Centurions newsletter, called Centurion Footnotes, is produced 8 times per year. It focuses on ultradistance walking in Australia and around the world. I have been producing this since 1994 and have a mailout list which covers both Austrtalia and overseas. If you wish to be added to the email distribution list, then send me an email. It's that easy.
Centurion Footnotes
The following table is used to store any other Australian related walking newsletters which might be of interest to readers but which are not readily accessible on their own websites.